If you're a fan of the first Ted movie you'll probably enjoy the second as well but I think everybody can pretty much agree the first one was a lot funnier. The performances are still decent with some laughs, the biggest problem is is the ho-hum story that isn't engaging. The freshness from the first movie is gone as well. All in all Ted 2 is a slightly fun little comedy if you enjoyed the first one just don't expect it to be as good.
'Sentiment: Positive 🙂'
I really can't understand why many critics went harsh on this one.The film is jutted with quality humour - social, political and personal. It lives up to the expectations and doesn't slack anywhere at all. It makes us laugh but also makes us uneasy at times not because of crassness but because it reveals the underbelly of our social setup.I am waiting for Ted 3 - I sincerely hope McFarlene considers it. Ted should run up for Governor or President. It will fit in nicely with the US presidentials in 2016 and should reveal the shallowness of modern political campaigning.Go Seth go...
'Sentiment: Positive 🙂'
This film tells the story of a talking teddy bear who sues the government, so that he gets recognised as a human being and get human rights such as marriage and drivers license."Ted 2" is a hugely politically incorrect film, with a lot of swearing, sexual and crude humour. It is not usually a type of film I like, but "Ted 2" does have a way to get to my heart. It is sweet and emphasises a lot of love and friendship. Towards the end, the film gets very touching, and it made my eyes well up.Having a touching plot, together with a funny script makes "Ted 2" very entertaining, way more entertaining than I expected.